[gmap height=”500″ lat=”-37.816538″ lng=”144.970242″ icon=”” zoom=”14″ dragging=”yes” mousewheel=”yes”]
[br top=”60″]
[opt title=”height:” desc=” (Optional) The number of map height.”]default: [red]’500′[/red]
options: integer[/opt]
[opt title=”lat:” desc=” (Optional) The number of map lat.”]default: ”
options: integer[/opt]
[opt title=”lng:” desc=” (Optional) The number of map lng.”]default: ”
options: integer[/opt]
[opt title=”icon:” desc=” (Optional) The icon url for the map.”]ex:http://www.yoursite.com/image.png
options: integer[/opt]
[opt title=”zoom:” desc=” (Optional) The number of map zoom.”]default: [red]’14′[/red]
options: integer[/opt]
[opt title=”dragging:” desc=”(Optional) Dragging able for the map (yes/no).”]default: ‘yes’
options: ‘yes’, ‘no'[/opt]
[opt title=”mousewheel:” desc=”(Optional) Mousewheel able for the map (yes/no).”]default: ‘yes’
options: ‘yes’, ‘no'[/opt]
[br top=”60″]
[pre][gmap height=”500″ lat=”-37.816538″ lng=”144.970242″ icon=”” zoom=”14″ dragging=”yes” mousewheel=”yes”][/pre]